Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Evaluating new frameworks, libraries and technologies


New frameworks and libraries are developed so fast it is nearly impossible to evaluate all of them. This can make it hard to judge whether a particular technology is worth investing (time) in. This post gives you some tips which may help when evaluating new technology.

Conceptual level

Although there are many different libraries and frameworks, most of them can be grouped based on some conceptual differentiation. The following concepts may help to
give an idea of this conceptual differentiation:

  • Component based frameworks
  • Request/response based frameworks
  • Object Relational Mapping
  • Map-reduce
  • Key-value stores
  • Messaging
  • And many more…

When evaluating a specific technology it helps to identify to which concept or concepts it belongs. Before further analysis of a particular technology, make sure you understand the concepts. Without this understanding it is almost impossible to do an objective analysis. Understanding these concepts requires an investment in time. Usually in the form of reading, watching presentations, experimenting, training and talking to others. Understanding the concepts will make it easier to objectively evaluate a particular technology.

Simpler is usually better

One of the key actions in evaluating a particular technology is to determine if and how it satisfies the given requirements. A lot of frameworks and libraries provide a 1 minute introduction, a 5 minute guide, a 30 minute tutorial and more. I really like these sorts of introductions since it usually gets you up-to-speed quickly. Besides getting up-to-speed quickly, a more important factor is the complexity of the given solution. I really like the idea of ‘Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler’.

The starter guides, as mentioned above, present the readers with a relatively simple case or problem to demonstrate the key features of a given technology. To find out if a certain technology will fit I suggest to look at the complexity of the solution for the cases in the introduction guides.

In my opinion, if the solution for a relatively simple case or problem is complex and not easy to understand, how can a solution to a more complex problem be easy to understand? This complexity comes of course in various flavours:

  • How much code do I need to write to get even the simplest things done?
  • How many classes do I need to extend?
  • What and how much configuration should I write?
  • What is the quality of the documentation?
  • How can I easily test my solution?
  • Etc.

If the solution to a simple problem is indeed simple and easy to understand, it is worth investigating more time to find out if the technology satisfies your requirements. If the solution to a simple problem is not simple and not easy to understand, think long and hard before investing more time in it.


New frameworks and libraries are developed so fast it is nearly impossible to evaluate all of them. To speed up the decision process make sure you understand the technology at the conceptual level. Once you understand the conceptual level, experiment with the technology using introduction guides if they are available. If, from those introduction guides, solutions to a given problem are simple and easy to understand, it may be well worth spending more time investigating the particular technology for more complex problems. If not, proceed with care.

Reference: Evaluating new frameworks, libraries and technologies from our JCG partner Jamie Craane at the Jamie Craane’s Blog blog.

Source : feedproxy[dot]google[dot]com

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