Is it ironic that it can be difficult to map the java.util.Map class in JAXB (JSR-222)? In this post I will cover some items that will make it much easier.
Java Model
Below is the Java model that we will use for this example.
The Customer class has a property of type Map . I chose this Map specifically since the key is a domain object and the value is a domain object.
package;import java.util.*;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;@XmlRootElementpublic class Customer { private Map<String, Address> addressMap = new HashMap<String, Address>(); public Map<String, Address> getAddressMap() { return addressMap; } public void setAddressMap(Map<String, Address> addressMap) { this.addressMap = addressMap; }}
The Address class is just a typical POJO.
package;public class Address { private String street; public String getStreet() { return street; } public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; }}
Demo Code
In the demo code below we will create an instance of Customer and populate its Map property. Then we will marshal it to XML.
package;import javax.xml.bind.*;public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Customer.class); Address billingAddress = new Address(); billingAddress.setStreet('1 A Street'); Address shippingAddress = new Address(); shippingAddress.setStreet('2 B Road'); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.getAddressMap().put('billing', billingAddress); customer.getAddressMap().put('shipping', shippingAddress); Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.marshal(customer, System.out); }}
Use Case #1 – Default Representation
Below is a sample of XML corresponding to our domain model. We see that each item in the Map has key and value elements wrapped in an entry element.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><customer> <addressMap> <entry> <key>shipping</key> <value> <street>2 B Road</street> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>billing</key> <value> <street>1 A Street</street> </value> </entry> </addressMap></customer>
Use Case #2 – Rename the Element
The JAXB reference implementation uses the @XmlElementWrapper annotation to rename the element corresponding to a Map property (we’ve added this support to MOXy in EclipseLink 2.4.2 and 2.5.0). In previous versions of MOXy the @XmlElement annotation should be used.
We will use the @XmlElementWrapper annotation to rename the element corresponding to the addressMap property to be addresses.
package;import java.util.*;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;@XmlRootElementpublic class Customer { private Map<String, Address> addressMap = new HashMap<String, Address>(); @XmlElementWrapper(name='addresses') public Map<String, Address> getAddressMap() { return addressMap; } public void setAddressMap(Map<String, Address> addressMap) { this.addressMap = addressMap; }}
Now we see that the addressMap element has been renamed to addresses.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><customer> <addresses> <entry> <key>shipping</key> <value> <street>2 B Road</street> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>billing</key> <value> <street>1 A Street</street> </value> </entry> </addresses></customer>
Use Case #3 – Add Namespace Qualification
In this use case we will examine the impact of applying namespace qualification to a class that has a property of type java.util.Map . There was a MOXy bug related to the namespace qualification of Map properties that has been fixed in EclipseLink 2.4.2 and 2.5.0 (see:
We will use the package level @XmlSchema annotation to specify that all fields/properties belonging to classes in this package should be qualified with the namespace (see: JAXB & Namespaces).
@XmlSchema( namespace='', elementFormDefault=XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)package;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
We see that the elements corresponding to the Customer and Address classes are namespace qualified, but the elements corresponding to the Map class are not. This is because the Map class is from the java.util package and therefore the information we specified on the package level @XmlSchema annotation does not apply.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><ns2:customer xmlns:ns2=''> <ns2:addresses> <entry> <key>shipping</key> <value> <ns2:street>2 B Road</ns2:street> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>billing</key> <value> <ns2:street>1 A Street</ns2:street> </value> </entry> </ns2:addresses></ns2:customer>
Use Case #4 – Fix Namespace Qualification with an XmlAdapter
We can use an XmlAdapter to adjust the namespace qualification from the previous use case.
XmlAdapter (MapAdapter)
The XmlAdapter mechanism allows you to convert a class to another for the purpose of affecting the mapping (see: XmlAdapter – JAXB’s Secret Weapon). To get the appropriate namespace qualification we will use an XmlAdapter to convert the Map to objects in the package for our domain model.
package;import java.util.*;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;public class MapAdapter extends XmlAdapter<MapAdapter.AdaptedMap, Map<String, Address>> { public static class AdaptedMap { public List<Entry> entry = new ArrayList<Entry>(); } public static class Entry { public String key; public Address value; } @Override public Map<String, Address> unmarshal(AdaptedMap adaptedMap) throws Exception { Map<String, Address> map = new HashMap<String, Address>(); for(Entry entry : adaptedMap.entry) { map.put(entry.key, entry.value); } return map; } @Override public AdaptedMap marshal(Map<String, Address> map) throws Exception { AdaptedMap adaptedMap = new AdaptedMap(); for(Map.Entry<String, Address> mapEntry : map.entrySet()) { Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.key = mapEntry.getKey(); entry.value = mapEntry.getValue(); adaptedMap.entry.add(entry); } return adaptedMap; }}
The @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation is used to specify the XmlAdapter on the Map property. Note with an XmlAdaper applied we need to change the @XmlElementWrapper annotation to @XmlElement (evidence that @XmlElement should be used to annotate the element for a Map property).
package;import java.util.*;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;@XmlRootElementpublic class Customer { private Map<String, Address> addressMap = new HashMap<String, Address>(); @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(MapAdapter.class) @XmlElement(name='addresses') public Map<String, Address> getAddressMap() { return addressMap; } public void setAddressMap(Map<String, Address> addressMap) { this.addressMap = addressMap; }}
Now all the elements in the XML output are qualfied with the namespace.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><customer xmlns=''> <addresses> <entry> <key>shipping</key> <value> <street>2 B Road</street> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>billing</key> <value> <street>1 A Street</street> </value> </entry> </addresses></customer>
Reference: JAXB and java.util.Map from our JCG partner Blaise Doughan at the Java XML & JSON Binding blog.
Source : feedproxy[dot]google[dot]com
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