Thursday, March 14, 2013

Starting with WSO2 ESB by running the samples

I recently joined a new assignment where we have to implement an ESB solution based on the WSO2 toolstack. Although I am familiair with most of the concepts of the ESB and some other implementations (like Mule ESB) it is the first time I will have to work with the WSO2 ESB. Luckily there is a lot of documentation to find and the tool comes with a large amount of samples how to use the ESB. In this post I show the steps I took to make the first examples work. For a more thorough explanation see the information here. The first step is to download and install the ESB, which is really easy. You can download the zip here. After downloading simply extract it to the location where you want to install the tool. I installed it in the directory ‘Users/pascal/develop/wso2esb-4.5.1?. After unzipping you will see the file ‘INSTALL.txt’ in the unzipped folder. In this file all information is stated how to start and stop the ESB.

To work with the samples you will have to start the ESB with the command:

./ -sn ${sample-number}

where ‘${sample-number}’ is the sample number you want to run. So to run the ESB with sample 1 just start the ESB with the command

'./ -sn 1'

and you will see logging like this:

Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 15.29.50

Please note that I set the log level to DEBUG for ‘org.apache.synapse’ package by modifying the ‘’ that can be found in the directory ‘$CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/’. The first examples are mostly based on proxying or redirecting to existing services. These services are based on Axis2 and also supplied with the installation of the WSO2 ESB. To start the Axis2 server open a new terminal window, browse to the directory ‘$CARBON_HOME/samples/axis2Server’ and execute the command ‘./’. This starts the SimpleAxisServer as can be seen in the console in the logging:

Screen Shot 2013-03-03 at 16.16.29

If you open a browser and navigate to 'http://localhost:9000/services' you will see tha

Source : feedproxy[dot]google[dot]com

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